BIPOC women sustainable fashion

12 Women of Color Sustainable Fashion Influencers That Inspire Us

Chances are, you are already thinking about making your wardrobe more sustainable. If you are - congratulations! That's a big step!

But I get it, the sustainable fashion realm is still not easy to navigate. Sustainable fashion and lifestyle is gaining traction and constantly evolving. It consists of an array of complex issues including waste, pollution, ethics, and culture. And the current options seem limited compared to the traditional options. 

The good news is, there are plenty of resources out there if you know where to look.
Inspired by the BLM movement, I want to highlight women of color (WOC) in particular. A lot WOC have been doing an amazing job leading the discussion and pioneering the change. They are great resources for us to get style inspirations and to learn from. Here, I want to tell you about 11 of my favorite accounts that are serving serious inspirations.
*This post will be continually updated as I discover more accounts that inspire.
Aja Barber @ajabarber


Photo: @ajabarber

Aja is a fantastic resource, thought leader and influencer. She writes and speaks about topics including fashion, sustainability, feminism, race, and intersectionality. Her account is a tremendously rich place to learn, think, and be inspired.

Aditi Mayer @aditimayer


Photo: @aditimayer
Aditi is another major voice of sustainable fashion. She's also a photo journalist raising the issues of colonialism and diversity in the world of fashion. Check out her page to learn more and for beautiful styles both modern and Southeast Asian inspired.
SAMATA @iam_samata

Samata instagram

Photo: @iam_samata

Samata's account is the perfect combination between sustainability and high fashion. Not only will you drool after the gorgeous pieces she wears, but you will also be able to read lots of her thought-provoking writing. It's a feast for your eyes, mind and soul. 
Addie @oldworldnew


Photo: @oldworldnew

Addie is busting the myth that sustainability is expensive. She talks about everything sustainable living, including sustainable fashion. On her page, you will find tons of thrift fashion ideas that are not only good for the wallet, but also fun and stylish.
Benita Robledo @benita_robledo


Photo: @benita_robledo

Benita is another thrift queen. She offers quick tutorials on her Instagram page for sustainable DIY fashion, beauty and lifestyle hacks. Another thing I love about Benita is that she's also using her voice to support garment workers, who are particularly vulnerable in this climate.
Masego Morgan @coconut_cracked

Masego Morgan

Photo: @coconut_cracket

Masego's style is a perfect fusion of her Japanese and South African heritages.  She speaks up about race, inclusivity, and environmental impacts. Her approach to sustainable fashion is also naturally unique. On her page, you can also open your eyes to sustainable practices using traditional Japanese approaches, such as patchwork and natural dyeing.
Sophia 菲 Li @sophfei

Sophie Li

Photo: @sophfei

Sophia Li is a journalist and video director, and one of her main focuses is sustainable fashion. She's also been speaking up on various social issues including racism and inequality. Follow her is like following a news account, with great styles.
Dominique Drakeford @dominiquedrakeford


Photo: @dominiquedrakeford

Dominique wears amazingly many hats and offers a ton of informative resources on living sustainably. She describes her style the best: "Overall, my fashion sensibility is very high-low, multicultural, thrift, vintage, and indie, all working to share my sustainable style sensibility while at the same time building community and dismantling systems of oppression." How awesome is that?
Emma Slade Edmondson @emsladedmondson

Emma Slade Edmondson

Photo: @emsladedmondson

Emma has fabulous style, and a lot of them are actually second-hand finds. She's also frequently speaking about sustainable fashion issues. Follow her to learn and receive practical tips for shopping sustainable and second-hand.
Candice M Tay @candicemtay

candice m tay

Photo: @candicemtay

If you are into minimalistic designs, Candice's page is for you. Her almost meditative approach consistently offers simple and chic style inspirations. She also started a making her own clothes series, which is definitely worth checking out!
Whitney R. McGuire @whitneyrmcguire

Whitney R. McGuire

Photo: @whiteneyrmcquire

Whitney is a badass combination of creative and legal. She works as an attorney in the realm that is often overlooked in fashion. She is also a leader in the sustainable space in NYC and a co-founder of Sustainable Brooklyn.
Zeena Shah @heartzeena

Zeena Shah

Photo: @heartzeena

If you are looking for an instant mood lift, Zeena's page is guaranteed to the trick. She's also frequently posts beautiful vintage find and shouting out sustainable/ethical brands. Other than fashion, you will also find great interior designs that would make you crush on colors.
Jess's posts are so genuine I can feel a connection through them. Her page is a great place to educate yourself about sustainable and ethical fashion. She has great education posts to help you understand things like microplastics, single-use plastics/cotton/etc., and worker rights. Her pet turtle Ms Cor is also the cutest embodiment of slow living. 
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